Wisconsin Hunting Reports/Discussion

CWD in Wisconsin

11/4/19 @ 3:09 PM
Swamp buck
User since 1/23/09

Well LittleLuck that was quite a rant about a lot of things regarding deer hunting. What all hunters want is for our deer to forever run free in our wild lands nationwide! I think every hunter if he/she is a hunter wants that. The fact is we DON'T KNOW -YET! Scientists in a lot of states and provinces are working trying to understand what we have on our hands and if there is a threat long term to our deer and elk populations and if it can become a problem for the human population. What I want is for people to understand that this disease is no joke. We need to continue to demand the DNR studies the disease and find out all we can

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7/8/24 @ 11:33 AM
User since 4/1/05
"Hopefully, the data gleaned  from the research will provide direction for managing the disease and justify meaningful policy decisions."

This is the epitome of drinking the Kool-Aid.  Literally, shows that what people read from government agencies is considered the gold standard of knowledge.  I believe CWD is real, but as soon as I see "meaningful policy decisions" I get tense glutes.  There is no way, beyond finding a cure of some type, that ANY "meaningful policy decisions" or "managing the disease" will do anything to stop or slow the spread.  Research money being used to create more rules and further ruin hunting is what transpires.  Typical big government - throw more rules and policy at something to make it go away even though the rules do nothing of the sort.  At least we did something!  Yea!
7/8/24 @ 6:44 AM
Swamp buck
User since 1/23/09
Yes Trouter, We should all trust the government just like Covid.......
7/7/24 @ 3:18 PM
User since 1/8/13
It is real,  but trouter, your following propaganda over proof. 
7/7/24 @ 12:48 PM
User since 7/3/01
The risk CWD has on deer is profound, fatal and spreading.   DNR has handed out considerable research grants to scientists to better understand the disease.   Hopefully, the data gleaned  from the research will provide direction for managing the disease and justify meaningful policy decisions.

Equal to the risks of the disease is the social response to the epidemic.   There are elements in society that distrust science.   It is a form of anti intellectualism.  Turning a blind eye to public health policy only complicates the response to this challenge.

The disease is real even if there are those who do not accept this reality.   

7/7/24 @ 6:40 AM
User since 1/8/13
They said bees were in trouble a couple years ago too.  Turned out to not be true. Propaganda is everywhere.  I can drive around and see what's going on myself rather than read an article. I've never seen a sick deer in the woods.  I've never gotten sick from eating venison.  Sometimes a guy has just got to turn the news off and go live.  
7/6/24 @ 12:58 PM
User since 12/20/12
Read an article a couple days ago about the continued spread of CWD in one particular mule deer herd in Wyoming. Population is crashing. 65% overall infection rate with even young does 2 yrs of age showing very high infection rates. Bucks harvested by hunters infected at 98% rate. This scenario has developed very rapidly in roughly 15 years. Biologists trying to learn why this particular herd appears highly susceptible to the disease.
Sad situation and more compelling evidence that naysayers should take notice of.
4/23/24 @ 10:47 AM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
Also from the original "article" in Neurology:

Not applicable.

There was no study, no causation, no mention of anything relevant like where this occurred. That Journal has got to be embarrassed as heck for printing this drivel. It published rumor and lie. It's a sad commentary on what our world has become.

There was discussion here about falsehoods and outrageous claims being made by those who benefit from research dollars being spend on CWD. This situation is exactly that. Non scientific lie being touted as science in order scare people and leverage more spending dollars. I hope whatever institution these people are affiliated with issues reprimands.
4/23/24 @ 9:02 AM
User since 3/18/08
“If the article that was posted a few days ago is a concern to you, you might want to read this

Additionally, read the actual paper in Neurology, and come to your own conclusions: Neurology paper.

Here’s the sentence in the abstract that sums things up nicely, in my opinion (bolding and underlining done by me): “Although causation remains unproven, this cluster emphasizes the need for further investigation into the potential risks of consuming CWD-infected deer….

These researchers are really trying hard here to make a link, without proof.  They even admit as much.
4/23/24 @ 6:48 AM
User since 7/3/01
Yes, counties under the baiting ban have had the ban restrictions removed after the 3 years expired and no new CWD positives found.   I do not have a graph to express which one have been expired.

4/23/24 @ 5:11 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 3/9/11
Has there ever been a county that reopened for feeding/ baiting deer after a ban? 3 year's to me goes by real fast and I've never seen any headlines that a county is reopened. I would think that there would be a chart showing what that date is for the affected areas 
4/22/24 @ 11:39 AM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
If the article that was posted a few days ago is a concern to you, you might want to read this.

Claim that Hunters got CWD from eating venison are false
4/19/24 @ 9:39 AM
User since 6/16/03
How old was the freind that died? Same age? So inconclusive.
4/19/24 @ 6:42 AM
User since 1/10/19
I saw that as well direwolf on that site. I fish and hunt the u.p. every year so I've used mi sportsman for a long time.  I spend much more time on that site than this one.  It reminds me a lot of what this place used to be like with varied discussions of all things outdoors with many voices chiming in.  Lake link is a basically a dead sea compared to years past with more discussions of football, baseball, and alcohol, things of which I care nothing about, rather than fishing, hunting or the outdoors, things I care greatly about.  I see mi sportsman got 90 responses to the cwd article, this place not so much.   
4/17/24 @ 4:43 PM
3/23/24 @ 5:46 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 3/9/11
fishfillet guess my thousand's of pictures from my camera's hold no water either!
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