Wisconsin Hunting Reports/Discussion

CWD in Wisconsin

11/4/19 @ 3:09 PM
Swamp buck
User since 1/23/09

Well LittleLuck that was quite a rant about a lot of things regarding deer hunting. What all hunters want is for our deer to forever run free in our wild lands nationwide! I think every hunter if he/she is a hunter wants that. The fact is we DON'T KNOW -YET! Scientists in a lot of states and provinces are working trying to understand what we have on our hands and if there is a threat long term to our deer and elk populations and if it can become a problem for the human population. What I want is for people to understand that this disease is no joke. We need to continue to demand the DNR studies the disease and find out all we can

Displaying 76 to 90 of 423 posts
2/19/24 @ 10:55 AM
User since 7/20/09
Its a lot easier to accept if you just combine both sides.

Most of this 'winter', there have been about 25 deer feeding in the same field where I hunt.  They've been in the same corner for over a week now.  I yelled and told them they can't eat together day after day due to the baiting ban, but they just won't listen to me.  They keep pooping in the field, now their prions are in the soil and the farmer will till up and plant corn next season.  Then they'll be eating that corn with a mix of prions...but like I said they just don't listen to me.

Science to learn how prions work leads to the realization that its futile to stop.  Unless they find a cure and decide to start baiting again to get it to the deer...which would be hilarious.
2/19/24 @ 9:52 AM
User since 8/28/11
Gillespie and madforlabs you're starting to sound like Trump...everything is fake news and rigged.  Why is it that when we post legitimate articles by researchers and scientists they're "fake" or we're "cherry picking"?  You can't stand it that someone else might actually prove your beliefs wrong?  You'll point to articles that side with your point of view and claim that they're the gospel of truth and there's no way anyone can say different.  I at least admit there's 2 sides to the story and I'm choosing to believe one side.  You guys just think there's your side and that's it.  Who's close minded here?
2/18/24 @ 10:14 AM
User since 1/8/13
I forgot I posted it. I just looked.  Had to go back 5 pages. Either way, we're being hosed.
2/18/24 @ 8:29 AM
User since 2/6/19
Old, fake news fillet.  How many times are you gonna post the same thing?  The more times a lie is told doesn't make it any truer.
2/17/24 @ 12:30 PM
User since 1/8/13

2/16/24 @ 9:35 PM
User since 12/20/12
What this discussion,  if I could call it that, boils down to is do you believe that the greater majority of of scientists and researchers have pure and legitimate motives to their work, or you feel that most are corrupt and in it for money and a paycheck. I happen to believe strongly in the former and know a number of individuals in high level research work that bolsters my belief. If you don't believe in the "process" and find it lacks legitimacy, then there is really nothing that can be published that might influence your thinking.
PS. The sheep and follow the flock crap is bull. You can stick that where the sun never rises...
2/16/24 @ 8:50 PM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
Yes Turkey, as Gillespie said, you can't trust those darn biologists. They adhere to "he said" science. I guess his support of researchers is only true when the agenda is adhered to. Any deviation, no matter the truthfulness, will be defined as "cherry picking" and "closed minded" by the sheep.
2/16/24 @ 7:56 PM
User since 12/20/12
Fin, are you even capable of reading two consecutive sentences without misinterpreting their intent. My post merely pointed out there  ARE advances in CWD research.  I've made no value judgement on their utility to myself or anyone else. Personally, I would find a rapid test to be of great value. I have little doubt that CWD will eventually become common in my area. Since my grandkids will eventually be eating deer I harvest, YES, I will test!!
2/16/24 @ 5:27 PM
User since 2/6/19
Turkey, the TN article u cite is a "he said, she said" deal and nothing has been ruled on in a court of law.  Let the case and the facts play out and stop cherry picking articles that are misleading just because they fall on your side of the issue.

Edit:  The TN biologist was fired and now there's a lawsuit.  He claims one thing and the state claims another.  Before judgment is passed, let it play out in court.
2/16/24 @ 2:33 PM
User since 8/28/11
Another article by a Research Scientist with over 40 years in wildlife disease study

2/16/24 @ 2:29 PM
User since 8/28/11
Oh by the way it has happened where state agencies have lied about the spread of CWD to gain $$ resources


2/16/24 @ 2:05 PM
User since 8/28/11
I'm sure they are robertwhite but the government agencies begging for everyone to test every deer and coming up with tests for live deer are wasting the $$.  They've been testing deer for 50+ years and it hasn't produced anything new.  Use all that testing $$ to research how to kill/eliminate the prions and that answer/solution will protect our deer herd.
2/16/24 @ 1:34 PM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
LOL, the people who question the status quo, government sanctioned,  rhetoric are closed minded? Wow. Certainly more effort could be attempted to get your derogatory labels correct.

Then we got the guy spouting advancement in testing is necessary, same guy who admits he doesn't participate in the current testing processes as recommended by the government.

2/16/24 @ 1:26 PM
User since 8/3/12
Seems the 5x increase in the DNR's CWD propaganda budget for FY2022 is paying dividends.
2/16/24 @ 12:58 PM
User since 3/18/08
"You guys need to do your research and realize that the prion that is responsible for this can live in the soil for up to 3 years and that's how it starts.  Then it can be spread from deer to deer."
Actually, the fact you can make that comment is a direct result of some of that 'wasted' money spent on CWD research.

"Find out how to segregate and kill the prions in the soil that cause the abnormal folding of the proteins in the deer and that's how the dollars should be spent"

It seems you are assuming someone isn’t already researching this.
Displaying 76 to 90 of 423 posts
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