Wisconsin Hunting Reports/Discussion

Wisconsin NRB & DNR, Not Political, TRUST ME!!!!!!

9/10/21 @ 9:07 AM
Displaying 16 to 30 of 214 posts
10/20/23 @ 10:08 PM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
Really sad..... accuse me of "calling people names" and then do that exact thing with your only response to a host of questions. Pathetic.

If anyone can stay on discourse on the NRB topic and provide any information about who said too many women are on it, and when,....please respond.
10/20/23 @ 9:57 PM
User since 2/6/19
I've "observed" plenty on this and other topics.  Are you Frederick Prehn?
10/20/23 @ 9:42 PM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
I've called no one a "name."  Just called things as they are. Now let's get back to topic... Who, when, where did any NRB member say a disparaging remark about women and their service on the NRB? Trouter said a former NRB member said too many women are on the board..... Who said that? I asked for ANY proof of that...even said without such proof just say who said it and when. 

Seems to me if you want to call out people for slinging accusations and calling people names like sexists and racists it's not me you should be highlighting. That's Trouter, I'm just asking for a little qualification on those thus far unsubstantiated claims. Quite frankly his claims are absolutely ridiculous.

If these topics and questions are too unsettling for you perhaps take a more observatory role.
10/20/23 @ 8:49 PM
User since 2/6/19
FB, why can't we have a civil discourse on a controversial topic without getting personal and calling people names?  All u seem to do is cut people down and attack them instead of having an intelligent discussion.

If you are in elementary school, I apologize.  If you are older than that, grow up.

Peace out.
10/20/23 @ 6:24 PM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
Can someone provide anything that says a NRB board member said that too many women are on the board? Or really any comment from any NRB board member, at any time, saying anything disparaging tword women? I'd ask Trouter to do so, however his history of accusations without any context or follow up is legendary. I follow the NRB closely and have for a long time. I don't recall any comment, news story, any coverage, nothing about sexist comments from the NRB.

Even in absence of a link to news coverage about this, just name the board member and an approximate date it occurred, and a synopsis of the comments. I know links to these things aren't always easy to find. Like when Jim Doyle raided/stole all DNR habitat fund accounts and used the money for social programs. That was big news, but only a few Internet links remain to that fiasco. So let us know about this......please.
10/20/23 @ 12:31 PM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
I don't think there's any confusion that those ideas are your own Trouter. The WCC couldn't possibly come up with something that dumb.
10/20/23 @ 5:43 AM
User since 7/3/01
The Wisconsin Senate recently voted down the confirmation of 4 appointees to the Natural Resources Board.
It was the fist time in the history of the NRB that multiple appointees were voted down.
I interact with members of the NRB, both Red and Blue, and have done so for nearly 10 years.
The 4 appointees were highly qualified and worked well together as a board.   They did not share crazy ideas and non of them were egomaniacs.
I attended their senate confirmation hearings and I do not know why they were not confirmed.   No press releases have been issued explaining in detail why these 4 were not confirmed.
By design, NRB members serve a 6 year term.   This creates stability and increases functionality as a team.
Due to the changes brought on by one political party, board member terms can  now be measured in months.
If the political party in power wants to destabilize democracy and generate chaos, it has accomplished that goal.   
Perhaps it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with one nominee being the first black woman on the board and another appointee being the first Native American on the board.
Racism is raising it's ugly head in natural resource management more and more these days.   So it is reasonable to consider it as unspoken justification for voting down a otherwise highly qualified appointee.
A former NRB member though having too many women on a board was a problem.
When too many is the problem, the problem is racism, or sexism. 
The same engineered chaos at the NRB is also playing out in Congress, where the Speaker of the House was voted down.
One could call the treatment endured by the NRB appointees the McCarthy treatment.
Yes, I am a delegate to the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, but my words in this piece are my own, as a private citizen and are not the official position of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress.

10/19/23 @ 1:26 PM
User since 2/6/19
I remember when the Republicans used to be for local control, law and order, and due process.  Those were the good ol' days.
10/19/23 @ 12:31 PM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
LOL..... At Scott Walker and Fred Prehn are to blame....LOL.​  The only blame here is the current governor's willingness to take a dump on the majority of rural Wisconsinites who ​​​have a connection with the land they live on. Especially those in the north. They are non-existent to him.
10/19/23 @ 11:19 AM
User since 4/8/13
This thread is anything but "Not Political, Trust Me!!!!!".  I'm throwing the B.S. flag.
10/19/23 @ 9:11 AM
User since 12/20/12
Washington has obviously not cornered the market on political dysfunctional and partisanship. Constituents be d a m n e d....
10/19/23 @ 8:38 AM
User since 6/19/01
Nice use of petulant there, and would just as aptly describe the behavior of the Senate in regards to a number of Evers' appointments, NRB the most relevant here.  I suppose we can thank the miserable pos Fred Prehn, and his coordination with lobbyists, legislators and the former Governor in regards to holding over in a position 18 months longer than the term, for much of the current dysfunction.  Breaking with traditional and accepted protocols seldom improves the situation in the political and governance realm.

Good piece by Paul Smith in the Journal Sentinel today, but expect most of us know the lengthy and sordid tale.

Finally, and perhaps to the point, it sounds like wolf management is the basis for much of this, and specifically, the desire to have a fixed acceptable number of wolves as a baseline to measure against.  Is this method; stating a fixed number, either max or min, a common or known wildlife management technique?  I'm trying to think of analogs and can't come up with any in short order.  Can anyone else?
10/19/23 @ 8:04 AM
User since 3/18/08
LOL Finbender.

I’m certain you’ll find numerous faults with Evers new appointees so your petulant disposition towards DNR, NRB and management of the state’s natural resources can continue.
Republicans reject appointees
10/18/23 @ 3:58 PM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
Well, Robertwhite can finally stop his year long pouting, and I fully expect Trouter to give us a recap of his disapproval of recent Senate action
10/4/23 @ 5:36 AM
User since 7/3/01
The full senate will meet soon.   Their agenda items have not yet been posted.   I am not sure if they will vote on the NRB confirmations when they next meet or not.

The current NRB members who  were  voted down by Sporting Heritage will retain their seats on the board until the full senate votes them down. Not sure when or if that will take place.

With regard to Sharon Adams, it may be beneficial to compare her to Julie Anderson.   How are they similar and how are they different ?  How are their contributions to the board similar or different ?

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