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Vegetable Garden

6/30/04 @ 1:47 PM
User since 6/15/01
Who's got one ? what are you growing ? and how's it coming along? Mine consists of sweet corn , cabbage , brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli ,cucumbers, zucchini, peas, tomatoes , peppers , acorn squash, pumpkins, and assorted spices. The cold wet weather hasn't been very conducive to good growth so far for me. But with warmer weather in the forecast things should turn out. I hope those of you growing fair better.

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TODAY @ 10:34 AM
User since 7/29/21
Picking rhubarb today. 
Vegetable Garden photo by SkiLLz~4~GiLLz
Vegetable Garden photo by SkiLLz~4~GiLLz
6/1/24 @ 9:24 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
44/45 I left those on whole cause it was easier to take them off when i flipped the steak then put them back on. I ate them whole too, other than the tip, which is not tender and is not good anyway. 
6/1/24 @ 5:08 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 3/9/11
Fishlovme do you leave your scapes whole, or do you dice them up to put on your steak?
5/31/24 @ 9:23 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
I picked 3 garlic scapes today. Earliest I've ever picked some of those,  and there's more coming! Found a new way I really like them- on the grill! I put them on top of my steak and they cooked perfectly!
5/31/24 @ 5:22 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 11/5/17
18 buds on my green pepper plant.  Cukes look iffy, not much growth.
Vegetable Garden photo by Carpio
Vegetable Garden photo by Carpio
5/31/24 @ 4:13 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
I pick for about a month typically and usually get 2 picks a week.  I don't have a large patch - 3 rows in a 4X4 bed is all I have, so I typically only get 5 or 6 spears at a time.  I've noticed it's slowed down this week and the asparagus isn't coming back as quick, so that's what made my decision to stop picking now.  That and all of the wild asparagus I see in my area is already going to seed.  I had asparagus already this year the first week of April and it started coming up in March this year.  Up north where Polski lives I'm sure he's good picking later in the season than I am.
5/31/24 @ 3:58 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 5/11/03
I'm sure my asparagus starts later here in the north woods but my patch is 20 years old and I've always stopped cutting it on the 4th of July.  No particular reason, just seems to slow down then and before the seeds start to form. Also not an expert just what has worked for me.

Added a bunch more sugar snap peas in the spaces that didn't come up, about 1/2 that I planted are up about 4",
Also replaced my jalapeno plants that died after the heavy rains last week.
5/31/24 @ 2:54 PM
User since 12/19/11
My understanding with asparagus is that you can pick it as long as you want once it's established but I'm no pro at asparagus. My asparagus just started producing in mid May so I'll be picking as long as I can   

Depending on size of tomatoes you likely want to pull the flowers off now to put more effort into the root system and stems. Unless you planted your own early or are growing in buckets and haven't transplanted recently you might get away with letting them go. My tomatoes were planted in February and I've been picking off flowers for over a month now and am just starting to let them go to blossom now. Still pulling flowers off peppers for another week or so.
5/31/24 @ 2:53 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
My patch is also about 10 years old and I stopped picking just last weekend. Time to let it grow!
5/31/24 @ 2:24 PM
User since 7/29/21
I stopped picking mid May. My patch is 10 years old.
5/31/24 @ 2:20 PM
User since 10/3/12
Is there a general wisdom for when to stop harvesting spargus and just let it grow. ?
5/31/24 @ 2:18 PM
User since 10/3/12
My tmaters have blossoms already. Isnt this too early? 
5/30/24 @ 5:59 PM
User since 12/19/11
Last year was our first year making pesto, my mom always made it for us in the past so we are learning as we go. I love cilantro so we will have to give that a try!
5/30/24 @ 12:47 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
Junkie I've made carrot pesto a few times.  I get a lot of carrot tops plus all of the parsley that grows wild year after year, so I add that into pesto as well.  Ever use cilantro in your pesto as well?  I have LOTS of cilantro growing wild this year in my one garden.  Can't remember if I spreaded seeds last year all over, or if the couple of plants I had last year dropped their seeds all over, but it's not just in one place in my garden.  And dill, I don't have to plant those seeds anymore either.  Those make excellent cover crops, sure beats pulling weeds!
5/29/24 @ 6:33 PM
User since 12/19/11
I've had a great germination rate on carrots this spring for some reason so we've been adding them to salads as I thin the crop and the wife is going to try making some pesto out of them. 
Got the kiddo into eating radishes this year. He has been harvesting and eating daily, proud dad moment 😂
Vegetable Garden photo by Junkie4Ice
Vegetable Garden photo by Junkie4Ice
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