Dogs & Dog Training

Yellow Lab Training

12/28/23 @ 10:04 AM
User since 3/31/21

I have had dogs my entire life, we had Beagles growing up and most recently we have a Shiu Tzu. We have always wanted a Yellow Lab and we got one who is now about 4 months old. Anyone have any good You Tube videos for training or any tips for me? I am not sure what I am going to do with her yet, maybe shed hunt and just taking her fishing and ice fishing. I really just want her to listen to me.  Looking for pointers on training. Thanks for any help. 

Displaying 1 to 11 of 11 posts
1/30/24 @ 10:54 AM
User since 8/24/07
As someone with a Golden Retriever, all I can say is go bagless. We have a Shark and it works great. Have the Shark version of the roomba and while novel, it really only works on bare floors and not well on carpet. If anyone wants to buy it, let me know lol
1/29/24 @ 1:29 PM
User since 7/17/09
I don't think it's so much of a quality vacuum standpoint. Vacuuming more frequently may be necessary. 2 black labs and a long black haired kitty cat kept us on our toes with the Vac. Probably every other day type of chore.
Maybe one of those automatic rover-type vacuums might be worth a shot. Program it to run some routes on a daily basis. 
1/29/24 @ 9:47 AM
User since 3/31/21
Thanks HG!! Been a slow recovery so far. It will be 8 weeks this week. We have 13 acres for her to run around on so she gets plenty of exercise. 

Question to other lab owners, I never had an indoor dog that shed so much, how do you keep the hair off everything?? I am considering buying the best vacuum money can buy. 

1/26/24 @ 11:09 AM
User since 8/24/07
One of the most important things to do for a higher energy dog is to get them plenty of activity. Not sure of your yard size, but one of those Chuck It ball throwers will save your shoulders. 
Good luck with the knee recovery! Just had a hip replaced and my dog was none to happy about me being unavailable to do things with him outside.  
1/25/24 @ 10:51 AM
User since 3/31/21
Thanks for all the tips! I been down with a knee replacement, so I have not been doing much with her other than spending time with her, which is important. She is starting to get the hang of things. Starting to listen and not pee in the house. Still has her moments when she doesn't listen, but I think it has more to do with our other dog when they are running around outside. 
1/18/24 @ 6:59 PM
User since 7/28/16
I’ve been following this post for a while now and I meant to comment earlier . Two books you must buy, Water Dog by Richard Walters , the godfather of simple dog training and also“training the pointing Labrador “ by Julie Knutson . Also I recommend the starmark training collar to train all commands and border training, I have had 3 labs in town by 2 schools for 20 years , everyone thinks we have underground fencing.also I can r
1/1/24 @ 4:31 PM
User since 8/24/07
However you choose to train (classes, Zen, etc.), the one thing you want to establish is that YOU are the leader. I also recommend doing a lot of things that young kids would do on a regular basis to desensitize them to stuff like that potentially happening. Best they've dealt with having a treat touched or a toy taken away or an ear/tail grabbed before it happens at the expense of a young child. Beyond that, I think it's a matter of personal preference as to what the "right" way is.
I am curious (and I know I can google it) how to train a dog to find sheds. I know it's a lost cause for my current golden lol, but down the road with a future doggo it would be a nice hobby to have together. 
12/31/23 @ 11:50 PM
User since 11/29/19
Spend time with him/her communicate they are no different than a child they want attention. The more time you spend with them the better relationship you will have
12/29/23 @ 11:39 PM
User since 1/5/05
Look into  Retriever road map. Very good online program. Josh Miller who owns Riverstone kennel runs it.
12/28/23 @ 5:48 PM
User since 10/17/21
I'm no expert either.  I'm on my 3rd lab through the years.  The one thing I did with my current dog was to take her to classes.  I did puppy class and intermediate.  It's not that expensive and yuou both get the chance to socialize with other dog and their owners.  I will definitely do it with future furry friends.
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