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What have you smoked lately? Q-view...

12/3/12 @ 11:05 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 8/1/01
Just before Thanksgiving, wanted to smoke some snacks to take to my Mom's....did a Spiral ham, couple pound of mixed nuts, and I usually throw on some red taters just because. I rub a little EVOO on the taters, some seasoning, and pull them out when the main course is done. Sometimes they're not cooked all the way through, but can always be finished off when you decide how you want to cook them. I either chop and fry up, or finish off as a baked tater...red taters cook quicker... Good stuff.
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by Gator43
Displaying 61 to 75 of 436 posts
8/28/23 @ 9:08 PM
Cat Man J.J.
PRO MEMBER User since 5/9/03
I also prefer smoked trout and salmon skin off, way less oil.
Cooked a pound of bacon on the smoker and made some BLTs with tomatoes out of the garden, best i ever made.
8/23/23 @ 4:07 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
Smoked some lake trout (skin on) and rainbow trout (skin off) today. I think I prefer it with the skin off. It's a little more done that way but more intense flavor. Both of them are delicious though!
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by Fishlovme
8/22/23 @ 7:24 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 9/16/01
Smoked up 3 racks of baby back ribs on my Traeger the other day.
Turned out excellent,& delicious! Plus I have a rack to devour when back up fishing in Canada soon!
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by fishhook
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by fishhook
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by fishhook
8/9/23 @ 6:00 PM
User since 10/4/13
Smoked peppered jerky last week. Had to put it away before all was eaten. cheaper than buying and you exactly what the ingrediants are.
8/9/23 @ 9:00 AM
Esox JJ
Esox JJ
PRO MEMBER User since 6/4/05
Ribs yesterday, yum yum. 
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by Esox JJ
7/26/23 @ 9:16 AM
PRO MEMBER User since 11/5/17
I brined this 1 1/2# king for 2 hours last nite and just took it off the WEBBER this AM after 2.5 hrs.       Edit.   Fan - Tastic!    
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by Carpio
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by Carpio
7/9/23 @ 8:08 AM
User since 6/4/06
Thanx for the comments on the venison roast . Combined what I thought was the best of each recipe , the roast came out of the smoker perfect ! Flavor was super !
7/7/23 @ 8:00 PM
User since 2/8/11
For smoking venison roasts and you want medium rare, don’t go past 130*. I personally prefer the rare side of medium rare and go to 126-127*. 

This little gadget is really nice for cooking to a precise temperature. I highly recommend it or something similar. Meater probe

And I’m not sure if Carpio (no offense) had a mis-type but cooking fish to 160* would make it absolutely inedible. 120* is cooked for fish whether smoked or otherwise.
7/7/23 @ 3:54 PM
User since 6/20/13
I have only smoked a couple of venison roasts over the years but both turned out good... After you remove from the brine, dry it off and apply some olive oil and dry rub.. Below is a venison rub recipe I have used. I believe I smoked at 225 and you want the meat to hit an internal temp of 140 to 145.. Should leave the meat with a nice pink/medium rare inside.  Believe my roast were in the 3-4lb range.. Good luck..

Rub Ingredients:
4 Tbsp.Salt
2 Tbsp. Pepper
2Tbsp. Garlic Powder
2 Tbsp. Onion Powder
2 Tbsp. Paprika
1 Tbsp. Cayenne Pepper
1 Tbsp. Cilantro
1-Tbsp. Cumin

7/7/23 @ 11:10 AM
User since 6/4/06
Got a 3# venison roast brining on the 4th day right now . I plan to smoke it after the brining , any thoughts ? Never did this before .
7/4/23 @ 8:49 PM
User since 2/28/07
Finally found a good use for top sirloin roast. 2 hr smoke and a horseradish sauce recipie. It was alot better than i figured. ?
7/2/23 @ 12:40 AM
User since 6/20/13
Runing low on Canadian bacon so I made a batch today. Always great for breakfast sandwiches, pizza, BLT's etc. 
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by kona77
6/25/23 @ 3:10 PM
User since 7/17/09
FYI, was in shopping at our local Hyvee store in Onalaska today. Notice there advertising the Traeger pro-22 on sale for $499 and 30% off.  Great deal if somebody is looking serious. May be worth a road trip! 
Didn't realize I skimped on the price pic. It's $499.99
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by Fowler2
6/22/23 @ 9:35 PM
Cat Man J.J.
PRO MEMBER User since 5/9/03
Tonight was chicken legs on the smoker, turned $3 worth of chicken into a pretty good meal.
Marinated the drumsticks in a little teriyaki sauce for a couple hours, smoked them at around 315 degrees for about an hour and fifteen minuets
I kind of like this propane smoker because on medium i can use it like an oven.
My yearly problems with the temp spiking to 400 was from putting too many wood chips in.
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by Cat Man J.J.
6/16/23 @ 7:42 PM
User since 6/20/13
Baby back ribs are always a favorite. Cornbread sides with a berry cobbler. Good way to end the day.
What have you smoked lately?  Q-view... photo by kona77
Displaying 61 to 75 of 436 posts
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