General Hunting Discussion

winter deer kill

4/1/14 @ 12:44 PM
User since 12/4/13
anyone have any ideas or stories of deer kill off yet, snow and weather is crazy. There talking more snow for this weekend April 4th - 5th. Gonna be ugly for the deer.
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3/7/19 @ 2:05 PM
User since 5/7/06
Ok let me correct my statement, there have not been any deer "grazing " in the fields. By the way it's spelled " wolves not wolfs"!!
3/7/19 @ 12:31 AM
User since 10/24/04

Deer don't browse in fields, that's grazing. The ice storm we got in early Feb. took down a lot of tree tops providing browse. At this point it has been tough on deer for 3 weeks. If we get a crust on the snow then the wolfs and coyotes will have a field day. At this point they are struggling to move through the snow also. 

Im in Oneida county where we have about 38".

3/6/19 @ 9:48 PM
User since 5/7/06

Hate to tell you CWS but there were no deer browsing in any fields by us in Forest County since maybe early January. After the ice storm up there the crust was so hard they couldn't get through it and then in the next 10 days they got 30" of snow. We have close to 3' on the ground and more to the NW with a lot of winter left unless we get a big warm up The DNR winter severity index is already to moderate at the end of Feb. 

3/6/19 @ 3:19 PM
User since 6/7/18

It's not the greatest out there right now but the deer are doing just fine.  There are some weak ones dying but that is good.  Any deer that is dying already from the winter had predisposed problems that we do not need getting spread.  They went into February very healthy as most were still eating in fields.  There is plenty of browse which is what they prefer now anyways in the woods.  Unless there are wolves the deep snow is just fine, keeps them insulated at night.  These rain to ice to snow storms are what I would worry about a heck of a lot more than anything else.  

3/5/19 @ 10:56 AM
User since 5/7/06

Was up at our cabin in Forest County this past weekend and the snow is about 34" in the hardwoods. Took a 60 mile snowmobile ride seen very little deer sign and where we did they are in the swamps. The few deer we seen are having a very tough time getting around except when on the snowmobile trail. No beaten down trails like years ago so the deer are basically breaking trail most of the time, it doesn't look good.

3/5/19 @ 12:21 AM
User since 9/3/01

I was going to our Archery club meeting in Central Wisconsin tonight at 6 pm. A single doe was on the road. As I approached she jumped over the snow bank and went in to her belly. She struggled to move towards the woods. Her go did not go any better as she got closer to the trees. It was difficult as every jump she was up to her belly.  As I write this my weather station shows one below zero.

Deer can't be finding a lot to eat and the cold isn't helping them getting them to spring.

Hopefully I fill the freezer with a big bear this fall.

Good luck to everyone


3/4/19 @ 10:08 PM
User since 5/17/02

I saw pictures from Midwest Whitetail of 2 deer that appeared to be bedded that froze to death during the last cold snap. In Iowa even, hard to see and believe down there but I guess it's possible. 

3/4/19 @ 7:07 PM
User since 7/24/01

Things are not good for the deer. Coming home yesterday there were 5 running down the road toward me and stopped when I came around the corner. (it was a back road though). Big doe in front with 4 smaller ones. They clearly did not want to go back in the woods and milled around on the road before the big doe jumped off into the woods and the others followed. They all floundered up to their belly's and jumped each time to get through. Felt bad for them. Have to say they all looked pretty good though. Really need some weather changes soon.

3/4/19 @ 1:38 PM
User since 6/20/01

I was at my place in Jump River this weekend and drove around the area quite a bit Saturday while trying to find a place to ice fish.  We did not come across a single set of tracks or trails crossing the roads, and we put on likely 30 miles.  Some of it was in the Chequamegon too where we usually see LOTS of activity in winter.

Not lookig good up in Taylor County.  Snow depth was 3' on the ground.

2/27/19 @ 3:36 PM
User since 12/12/03
This is going to end up being a bad year for deer.  Snow depth and cold days are adding up.  Passed 8 on the road the other day and they just stood there not wanting to go back into woods.  If the winter hangs on longer then usual there in trouble.
9/11/14 @ 9:41 AM
User since 7/20/09
I figure the only thing I have going for me this year is that I'm not a trophy hunter so if a forker comes by, I'll be letting one fly. Kids love venison hotdogs. This one is a slob. Tounge Out
9/11/14 @ 8:51 AM
User since 4/1/05
I have seen a total of one doe that has two fawns this year, and that was seen while driving in the vehicle. Very few fawns in general, and if a doe was lucky enough they always seem to have one fawn this year. Lots of either "dry does", last year's fawns that weren't bred, or does who failed to produce a fawn due to the harsh winter. The deer numbers are down in the large public areas I hunt from 2013, and the numbers were much lower in 2013 compared to 2012. Very few 3.5 year old bucks last year compared to 2012, so I don't feel I have much hope this year at all.
9/11/14 @ 8:06 AM
User since 7/20/09
I do agree the bigger bucks are probably down, it only makes sense. They would be the least prepared for the winter. I shot a nice one during muzzleloader a few years back and it had no fat on it whatsoever. They cover a lot of ground looking for does compared to farmland deer. I was just more surprised at how many fawns have been around, wasn't expecting that.
9/10/14 @ 2:59 PM
User since 1/5/05
I moved around trust me. I had cameras in 21 different locations for no less than 2 weeks before they got checked or moved and I always went at least 1/2 a mile as the crow flies away to try to get into a different home range of other deer when moving the cameras. Im not a rookie at this game. I am just telling you the winter killed a pile of deer in MY area. Everyones area is different. WSI for my area was 170 I believe and that killed a lot of old bucks. wasn't trying to say anyone was wrong that the deer did good by them. It just wasn't the case by me. I contacted the county Biologist for the county I hunt and he said my observations were spot on with his and other peoples for the county. Those 21 different locations were at the most spread out over an area of about 9 miles by 9 miles so I covered some ground. There are no farm fields within 10-15 miles so its 100% forest and mostly public land. Its a super large area and there are areas that I just never got a camera in that deer could have moved in but I think I got a pretty good sample of what made it through last winter. A few wolves, lots of bear, a couple bobcat, a surprising number of doe and fawns, and very very few bucks over 2 years old.
9/10/14 @ 9:43 AM
User since 5/29/06
In the past years, I would see 10-20 deer a day, everyday at my house. This year I see a doe with one fawn and a second doe with 2 fawns maybe once a week. When 8 fawns are orphaned during gun season, and that is just how many that I know for a fact had their mothers shot, what can you expect. I'm sure my neighbors blame the wolves or some other factor, anything but themselves.
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