Big Game Hunting

Doe only seasons

12/10/23 @ 5:03 PM
User since 9/8/09

Anyone get out?  My son and I each shot does.  We saw several.  Needed to manage the herd and several families were looking for deer so it was a win win.  We heard several shots in our area so other were out  having some success.

Displaying 1 to 15 of 20 posts
12/16/23 @ 9:48 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/30/01
More seasons more hunting opportunities 
12/14/23 @ 1:36 PM
User since 7/20/09
You sure they don't have to toe the line for wolves?  The last hunt we had went over the quota by what, a couple?  That was part of their fire power to fight the hunt.  Sure they'd have fought it regardless, but give them a line or two to use and they'll grab it.

Seemed more like you are talking about wolves impact on deer and them admitting it.  I think that's 2 different things, I agree they won't admit it openly.
12/14/23 @ 10:58 AM
User since 4/1/05
"I don't know how the WIDNR can manage a herd that is so "private".  They encourage more "public" harvesting, which in turn helps drive deer to private "sanctuaries" where they will not be harvested.  Lose/Lose proposition."

The DNR doesn't really care where the deer are killed if they are able to kill enough goal in their unit (County).  They can't impact large tracts of private land where landowners and groups of landowners are managing the deer themselves, so they reduce the population where they can - public land.  

Wolves?  Don't be fooled into thinking the deer biologists have to toe the line due to wolves being listed on the Endangered Species List and therefore can't blame wolves for the decline in deer numbers.  They are literally guaranteed to be meeting their ​only goal (controlling ​overpopulation of deer) in wolf habitat.
12/14/23 @ 10:06 AM
User since 9/17/16
Insurance companies do not lobby for lower deer numbers.  There is no evidence of that from what I’ve seen having known executives in the industry for a long time.
12/14/23 @ 8:59 AM
User since 7/20/09
MarquetteCtyOutdoorsman - Agreed about the unhuntable deer.  I actually feel (barstool biology) that is why they give out so many tags.  When I was younger I remember the woods we hunted getting pounded during gun season.  Driven out daily, brown is down, etc.  You wouldn't think a deer would survive.  Go in there after gun season and its a ghost town.  However come archery season the following year, there were deer all over again.  They get shot or pushed out to the non-huntable areas.  When the season is over, they filter back in to take up the good habitat.  The same thing happens on public lands, its usually pretty good that first couple weeks of archery because they were not hunted yet.  For those who just gun hunt it, well sure its not as good then because they were already hunted for 2 months by that time.

The approach does seem like shoot as many as you can, where you can.  Since you can't shoot them everywhere to do it evenly.  I think that's why guys complain, there are honey holes all over the place that we can't go hunt that save plenty of deer.

oldhunter - I work for an insurance company if that means anything...  People think they make profit by not paying claims, but in reality much of the profit is made by investing the money prior to paying it out.  Many years they pay out as much as they take in, but make money off the investments while holding that money.  Haven't seen the deer lobbying job yet.
12/13/23 @ 3:56 PM
User since 9/10/15
Plenty of deer in the central part of the state where I hunt yet. More wolves on the camera and less landowners willing to let people hunt every year. Enjoy it while it lasts. 
12/13/23 @ 3:09 PM
Swamp buck
User since 1/23/09
You can put your deer tag on a wolf. All you have to say to the Warden is the wolf was transitioning to a deer.........
12/13/23 @ 2:58 PM
User since 10/13/05
Really do not want to debate a WOLF hunt, especially with most on this forum.  However,  why not bring ALL of the PREDATORS back to Wisconsin?  Hunters will no longer have to be the APEX predator responsible for limiting the growth of the deer herd.  But, hunters(humans) will now have to protect themselves from all of these predators.  Exactly what we did 150 years ago.  WE(humans) then took on the responsibility of limiting the growth of deer, pheasants, squirrel, rabbits, turkeys and waterfowl.  Apparently, WE as HUMANS just do not like the competition from the predators.
Just funny reading these posts in the last 10 years.  It was not this way 18 years ago.  Times have clearly changed.
12/13/23 @ 2:03 PM
User since 9/10/15
Idaho has some law where you can use your elk tag on a wolf. Too bad something similar couldn't happen in Wi. Wolves are eating all your deer, use your deer tag to harvest a wolf. Never going to happen but seems like a reasonable solution. Plus it gives the hunter a chance to pull the trigger which is the fun part. 
12/13/23 @ 1:54 PM
User since 10/13/05
Deer are still around statewide.  Probably a little less in the North.  ALL of the land has become unhuntable, however.  Too much land has become private and those lands do not control the population.  Kill BUCKS for sure but not does.  Even 6 nice bucks harvested on 1000 acres does not control the population.  That property becomes a sanctuary during the HUNTING season.  After hunting, those deer disperse around surrounding properties for the rest of the year.  
I don't know how the WIDNR can manage a herd that is so "private".  They encourage more "public" harvesting, which in turn helps drive deer to private "sanctuaries" where they will not be harvested.  Lose/Lose proposition.
12/13/23 @ 11:56 AM
User since 2/28/13
With referring to online registration making it easier for violating, I was referring to illegally harvesting bucks. You only get one buck tag with a firearm or archery license. If you hunt both firearm and archery,that is only two bucks that can be legally harvested. A violator could easily shoot multiple bucks without registering any.  You have 24 hours to register a deer, so you could easily shoot one, hall it home, put it out of sight, go back an shoot another buck.  For turkey registration, the DNR factors in a 17% non compliance rate for registration, what do you think it is for deer, with 600,000 hunters.
Regarding wolves, fully understood that is under federal jurisdiction, but the State DNR could certainly .get involved, if they wanted to.
Regarding car insurance, you say they don't care about paying out multiple thousand dollar claims, they just up the rates for that area. So if I have insurance in the southern part of the state and hit a deer, causing $7,000.00 in damage in the northern part of the state, the insurance company is quite happy paying for that claim.. Hard to believe. Anything possible for the insurance companies can do to reduce claim payments, they will do it. 
My opinions, not credible facts.  
12/13/23 @ 11:11 AM
User since 7/20/09
Sort of contradicts itself.  If there are so many tags, its probably legally possible for them to shoot the deer.  I think I could have shot 9 this year myself, my kids had 7 tags maybe each, my wife had 3.  Can really pile them up legally, regardless of registering online or not.

DNR can't control wolves, they are protected at the federal level.  When they lose protection and we harvest some, the anti's push and get them protected again.  The DNR has to toe that line.

Insurance companies don't care about deer, that's a myth.  If more are hit, they raise rates for that area.  The only people who should care are people driving and paying for insurance.  No different than how if you live near a place that has natural disasters more often, they have higher rates.
12/12/23 @ 4:25 PM
User since 2/28/13
That will never happen, for the simple reason the DNR wants as many deer taken off the landscape as possible. That's why there are so many seasons and a over abundance of both free and cheap doe tags.  The does are the reproducers, so every doe harvested will stop her reproduction which is usually twins.  
The removal of in person registration means more people can easily violate and harvest more deer then legally possible. 
They don't seem to care much about wolf control, because wolves will kill many deer, thus reducing deer numbers.
Add pressure from insurance companies to reduce deer populations. 
Additionally add the pressure and whing from the foresters, because deer are destroying future growth. 
There are other reasons, but these are the high points. 

I have hunted Waupaca county with both archery and firearm in the same area for close to 60 years.  Every year there are less and less deer. Yet I get three extra antlerless tags with each archery and firearm license. I could legally harvest two bucks and six does. 
12/12/23 @ 12:41 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 6/22/01
I wish we would go back to the way hunting was before the 1990's.  1 gun season, 1 bow season and 1 muzzleloader season.  Other states have this, I don't know why we couldn't follow what other states do?
12/12/23 @ 9:33 AM
User since 1/19/02
i agree,,hookem

All these seasons just roll into one except for a week gap , maybe.   
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