Big Game Hunting

2023 Gun Numbers Released - DNR is succeeding in reaching their goal!

11/28/23 @ 2:10 PM
User since 4/1/05


There are the numbers.  Why is southern farmland not affected as badly as the rest of the state?    

Displaying 1 to 15 of 154 posts
3/27/24 @ 12:22 PM
User since 6/26/01
Deer hunting numbers for the last 20 years still falling. Interesting stats, and trends.


3/4/24 @ 10:15 PM
User since 10/3/12
$$2.7 million in 2023   in Lincoln County
2/10/24 @ 6:12 PM
User since 6/20/13
A forced re-population of the northwoods will not encourage wolves to cooperate on the same level and likely serve to encourage more wolf predation and a higher population of wolves.  I have a ton of reason to mistrust politicians more than I mistrust the DNR or CDACs.

One of the more factual statements I have ever seen on LL.  
2/8/24 @ 12:28 PM
User since 8/2/19
Because State and Local governments are far more likely to sell off public land for votes or cash - either for themselves or as a short sighted stop gap to fill budget holes
2/7/24 @ 3:15 PM
User since 5/19/06
Where our group has hunted in sawyer county, It’s about an equal mix of state and county forest and we usually find ourselves on the county land. They do a much better job managing the forest to the benefit of the wildlife and local tax payers. Personally I don’t see why the federal government should be in the land owning business outside of the military and truly unique natural wonders like Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Yosemite and the like. County>State>Federal. Nothing like requiring an act of congress to get a pit toilet built or boat ramp replaced. 
2/7/24 @ 11:05 AM
User since 10/3/12
Plenty of logging going on in the public forests.  Most private landowners in the northwoods are moderately aggressive with their logging too.
there is trend toward logging less for pulp and more for lumber so in that case trees need to grow larger where feasible.  price of red pine and 2x4s has made lumber logging highly desireable.
2/7/24 @ 9:49 AM
Fin Bender
Fin Bender
User since 9/16/11
I wouldn't blame lack of logging. My county is much like many counties in northern Wisconsin, being that over 25% of our land is public. What is unique is that over 95% of that public land is state or county owned, there's very little federally owned land. The state and county log aggressively, especially in the last 15 years. We even have large tracts that the state is rehabbing into oak savanna. This is done by running huge tractors with gigantic crimping rollers over young upland forest. This process creates amazing deer habitat, perfect bedding areas and an abundance of low browse. It's a landscape that's truly able to support a large deer herd.

Yet even with all that the deer numbers aren't there. You can create awesome habitat, but with predator numbers out of control an ideal landscape won't have deer in the numbers to support a hunting community, or provide an ample food source of venison for the citizens.  
2/5/24 @ 6:48 PM
PRO MEMBER User since 10/23/20
IDK the news said the bad weather caused hunters to harvest less during opener. Just like every other year 
2/5/24 @ 5:11 PM
User since 5/7/06
In my opinion and also the opinion of many others is that with the latest email about the protection staying on the wolves that deer hunting in wolf Country is pretty much doomed. If the legislators pass the doe hunting ban all its going to do is feed the wolves. Anyone who spends a lot of time in the woods like myself can obviously see what's going on. Between the lack of logging, bad winters, and now the wolves the deer population is less than 1/4 of years ago.  Lots of guys won't agree with this but now even the bear population is being affected by the wolves. At least by us in Forest County the bear numbers are down also and the wolves are pretty much to blame for that also. The  Forest County DNR Forester does a good job and the DNR does a great job of managing the fishing on Lake Michigan,   otherwise they are pretty much the Department of No Results!!
2/5/24 @ 12:56 PM
User since 4/1/05
I agree River Chaser.  Under normal circumstances what the legislature is attempting to do would make sense.  Many feel wolves have reached their carrying capacity in the northwoods.  If that is true, every deer saved will result in more food for wolves which will increase their numbers until they reach the new carrying capacity.  All does shot annually will now further sustain wolf populations.

However, if this does go through and the herd doesn't recover, would DNR finally admit the true impact wolves have on the deer population?  My guess is no.  They will blame lack of logging, severe winters, not enough hunters, hunters poor effort, too many crops left on the fields during hunting season, too warm, too cold, early rut, etc.
2/3/24 @ 2:36 PM
User since 10/3/12
Not following this thread too close so maybe its already been mentioned.  I see no point in restraining the hunters doe kill only to leave the does to feed the wolves. If one wolf ingests on 20 deer per year in an area where there is 6 deer per square mile (which is typical whre I hunt)............do the math, not hard to figure out.  

A forced re-population of the northwoods will not encourage wolves to cooperate on the same level and likely serve to encourage more wolf predation and a higher population of wolves.  I have a ton of reason to mistrust politicians more than I mistrust the DNR or CDACs. 
2/3/24 @ 11:11 AM
User since 7/22/21
I see the Federal Government said they have no plans to delist the Gray Wolf anytime soon as I got a E-mail yesterday from the DNR. It seems like they (DNR) are tickled to death they won't have to act on this. To bad for the north! Really disappointed.
1/22/24 @ 3:15 PM
User since 7/22/12
Perhaps the biggest problem we as hunters/sportsmen & sportswomen have is the inability to come together for a common cause. 
1/22/24 @ 1:47 PM
User since 4/1/05
"Got to get everyone on the same page and that's the hard part."

Never going to happen on public land.  People are going to fill tags if they are available.  Many reasons for this - they believe the DNR/CDAC know what they are doing, they are showing off to show how good of a hunter they are, shooting a deer before someone else shoots it, treating deer as targets for fun, etc.  You could maybe get 25% of the rifle hunters to agree to not shooting does on public land areas where I frequent.  Those guys that refuse to shoot a doe results in the CDAC/DNR issuing more antlerless tags next year.  Pathetic.

Really doesn't matter unless the wolf population significantly drops anyway.  Many counties have way more wolf kills than hunter killed deer.  Use 20 deer per year/wolf, look at the DNR total deer harvest stats per county, and use the wolf population estimates per county....it is more than alarming.  It is almost next to impossible to be able to get to a lower deer population than there already is in the north statistically speaking.
1/21/24 @ 10:52 AM
User since 7/22/21
Washburn County,
9100 Antlerless tags, total deer kill 2830 antlered and antlerless. Another bang up year by the committee and the great DNR!
Displaying 1 to 15 of 154 posts

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