So if you shoot a big buck with a gun you would perhaps have shot a "Boone and Crocket".  If you shoot one with a bow you would maybe qualify for a "Pope and Young"...

    With the added technological advances, just wanted to see if there would be any interest in creating some new categories for recording book animals.  Here's an example: For a successful crossbow hunter, we could recognize their achievement as a "William Tell".  According to certain sources, the man (who may or may not have even been real) legend has shooting an apple off his son's head used a crossbow.  

Now before any of you crossbow hunters sound off on how hard it is to kill a deer with one, don't for a moment think that I am minimizing this feat.  There are times when killing any deer with high powered rifles can be a monumental task, let alone a large buck.  But one would have to acknowledge the fact that this particular weapon is in many ways similar, yet significantly different than a conventional compound bow.  

What are people's thoughts about some new categories as hunters have enlarged the options that we use to harvest animals.  Would muzzleloader hunters want their own record book category?  How about non-compound bow hunters i.e. recurves and longbows?  Would they want their own category?  

What might be some other things to consider?

Please share your thoughts on some additional record book categories.